MRP Photobook 2023

MRP Photobook 2023

Every year tens of thousands of migrants leave the Horn of Africa and embark on a journey to the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula in search of a better life. They predominately hail from the nations of Ethiopia and Somalia. They are often young, and they increasingly include women and children.

Many migrants spend many days or weeks on the journey, usually taken on foot, across mountains, deserts, and open waters. Migrants must often bear soaring and extreme temperatures that can reach 46 degrees Celsius. Many migrants will face life-threatening dehydration and hunger, and some die along the way. There is a lack of access to medical help and aid, and migrants often fall prey to people traffickers and smugglers or risk kidnapping and arbitrary arrest and detention. Many -



MRP Photobook 2021

MRP Photobook 2021

Each year, thousands of migrants from the Horn of Africa, especially Ethiopia and Somalia, many of them young women, men, and children, take the journey through Djibouti, Somalia and Yemen across what is known as the Eastern Migration Route. They trek for long hours, days, and nights through hot and windswept deserts, risking their lives crossing the El Mandeb strait, hoping to reach the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries for better job opportunities. -



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